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Getting Started!

Change is never easy, but it can be exciting! As I start on this new journey at Prairie View High School, I am both excited and nervous. Going into new systems and starting over can make your stomach clench and your sweat glands activate, but this is normal, and everyone feels it-- even celebrities and presidents. I will undoubtedly miss my former students and my co-workers, but I love meeting new people, so I'm really looking forward to being at PVHS!

As my students, you will be starting something new this year, too! Whether it is embarking on new friendships or relationships, or joining a new club or sports team, or finding a new job, you will face challenges and run into barriers. I am here to show you that NOT doing something because you are scared about how it will go is NOT the way to go! Sure, it would have been easier to stay where I was, where I knew everyone and had built tons of relationships, but I wouldn't have been happy and I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to grow, which are two things that are very important to me.

Mark Twain once said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." I hope that I can be a living example of Mark Twain's words, and that you can do the same. Together, and separately, we will go through tough changes, but will find the positives in each of them, and come through the other side by using our energy to focus on building the new and seeing what the future has in store for us!

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